Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hiding behind a computer

The internet is an excellent tool for the average person to use in order to better themselves. There is a wealth of information online that can be discovered in minutes of web surfing versus hours at a library perusing reference books. That is my primary argument as to why the internet is so valuable.

Unfortunately, there are people out there who abuse the internet. These individuals like to pretend to be someone they aren't in an effort to meet people simply because they lack the social skills to find people of like ideals in the real world. Some will argue that blogging allows readers to see who the blogger really is. I disagree. It is easy to manipulate public opinion by saying anything to get others to take your side. It is extremely easy to lie to someone when you don't have to look them in the eyes. I'm not saying that all internet users or bloggers are phony, but how can someone truly know the intentions of an individual they meet online if they never meet them in person? There are a handful of people out there who find it just as easy to lie to someone to their face. These individuals cannot be trusted and should be avoided at all costs. They clearly have some deep seeded personal issues that have gone unresolved and are just trying to make those around them feel as miserable and as lonely as they are.

I am a very opinionated person and I have no problems telling someone to their face anything that I may write online through a blog or an e-mail. I consider myself to be a moderate conservative mainly because I am a reasonable person who believes there is an exception to every rule. Few things in life are black and white and the older I get, the more I tend to see things in shades of gray. Regardless, my core values have never changed. In my mind, certain behaviors will always be unacceptable. I'm not here to advance my political beliefs on others. The important thing to take from this post is that it is important to stand up for what you believe, especially in the face of ignorance and hatred. If you are willing to write something in a blog or in an e-mail, then you better be willing to defend your position when someone who opposes your opinion is staring you down. If you can't do that, then quit blogging and find a new hobby.

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